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Monday, July 23, 2007

Contest Buzz Giveaway : $10 / Rs 500 Gift Voucher

As promised, here is the giveaway from ContestBuzz - A listing of skill-based contests, competitions & challenges... as part of the giveaway bonanza - Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway :

$10 Amazon gift certificate / Rs 500 gift certificate

I decided to giveaway vouchers since shipping from India to the west is not cheap and why to just waste it on shipping!

Leave a comment with your email id and country
Take a minute to write your opinions about ContestBuzz & you double your chances of winning
You do not have to be a blogger

will post the winner by Saturday noon (India time). Good Luck :)


(If contests interest you, register for contest updates here.)


Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Enter me, please! Thank you!

Barb said...

Sign me up!

kel said...

enter me please

Jessica said...

Pick me!

Amico Dio said...

I like the idea of Contest Buzz. It is a great idea for those of us who want to enter contests yet don't have hours to scour the web looking for them!

I would love to win! Please count me in! :o)

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Contest Buzz is a great way of making online contest entering easy. Great nitch. Please count me in!

Michelle said...

I'd like a chance to win :) and country is USA.

I think you have a neat blog here where you keep track of all the contests that are happening!

Monkey Giggles said...

count me in

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter, please.

I like your blog's focus on skill-based competitions - they take more effort and planning, so it's nice to have the links all in one place.

Nicole (from Canada)
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

Having a site that lists contests is so much easier than searching for hours! I like how they are all organized as well.

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oooh, I would love to get entered in this contest. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

kcecilio @ ureach dotcom

Becky said...

Awesome, Please add me to your drawing.

Anonymous said...

I already know what I'd get! LOL! Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

me too!

Debbie said...

please sign me up thanks

Anonymous said...

Enter me please.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win that Amazon gift card, thanks! I do wish the latest contest was open to Americans, but I do think it's a great idea to have a one-stop place for contests.

Oh, and the first link on your sidebar is broken. It points to a url without the ".com" at the end. Just thought you'd want to know.

Thanks again!

Sunil Jagadish said...

Having a single place for all Contests information is a great idea! I was a big fan of Contests2Win and Indiatimes contests and still have the some of goodies I've won. If only this blog was there a few years back :-)

I'd like to try my luck with the ContestBuzz Giveaway contest - suniljagadish AT G MAIL

Terry and John said...

Thank you for the chance to win and I hope that you have a great week:)

Unknown said...

Thank You! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered. I have a couple of things going on at my place.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

Contests are great way to entertain people besides rewarding them.

Goodluck with your blog.

Liz Zelie said...

wow, what a generous giveaway.

Dawna said...

What a fun give away. I stumbles across your blog and absolutely love the idea of Contest Buzz for those of us who are addicted to contests, surveys, give aways and the such. Thanks for making my life a bit easier and more fun. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

Qtpies7 said...

Please enter me in your contest! I put you in my favorites to come back for more and more contest info! I love the idea of being able to go someplace that finds all the contests for me, lol. Its my hobby, entering contests!

Ginny said...

Enter me. I have never seen this site & it looks like it will become a favorite. I'm adding to my feeds & will be reading frequently. Great blog!

Anonymous said...

i love contests! what a great idea to have a blog on it- i put it on my yahoo page for new entries :)
please enter me!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great contest and an interesting site!

I am in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. USA.

~ said...

count me in, please! You are the only blogger I know in India so that intrigue me right off the top. :)

Kathryn said...

What a great site to have contests, giveaways, etc all listed in one place. One stop shopping...gotta love that :)

I'm in the U.S.

Tarrah said...

count me in please :)

Elizabeth F. said...

Please enter me! Thanks.

Dear Abbi said...

Oooh, ooh, me, me! thanks for offering!

Suzy O. said...

Count me in

Sherry said...

Add me, please!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

Karen said...

Please count me in, I am in the States...Oklahoma!

Anonymous said...

I'm in too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Neat site. It's like the Game Show Channel from TV, but on the internet. Cool.

Genevieve P said...

Enter me, please! Thank you!

Shivani n AmazerAV1 said...

An Indian,...I like it..
I tried searching where I culd see Indian's...Well I love winning..And wuld be happy to atleast receive a gift for myself..
Saw ur blog..I wuld say Neat..very much informative..Contests on ur blog..need to go thru them..before appreciating abt it..!!seeing an Indian..made me proud..
Count me in..!!
My id:

Anonymous said...

Postings for contests...what a great idea for a blog. We all obviously love contests or we wouldn't be here. I would love to enter your drawing. I live in the U.S.

Mrs. Sara said...

Please count me in!


Kim-n-Cocoa said...

Please count me in and thank you. Email is
Blog are:

I love the idea of Contestbuzz. It's nice to have everything all in one place! So cool!


Anonymous said...

This site is a neat idea. I'm from USA.

christine said...

enter me, please!

christine at wreckingboy dot com

CrystalGB said...

Please enter me. :)

Holly Days said...


Anonymous said...

Contest sounds great! I'll be checking back at your site often.
I'm in the USA.


Stop by my giveaways too if you have a chance!

Anonymous said...

I love Amazon, count me in.

I've never been to Contest Buzz but I'll have to add you to bloglines to enter contests! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh cool! I'm bookmarking your site, because I love contests - so I think it's a great idea! Please enter me and then come on over and enter my giveaways! :)

Tricia said...

Your Contest Buzz website is a neat idea. I never would have thought of it! I live in the U.S. and my email is

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

I'm in the US and would love to win the gift certificate. Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Sam-Is-Mad said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Contest Buzz is a great concept. I really appreciate the format and user-friendly organization. I don't have a blog, but you can contact me at Thank you so much for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I am in the U.S.
Count me in, please!


KaylaC said...

This would be great. Enter me please

Unknown said...

This looks great! Please add me to your list. My e-mail address is

Ayush said...

What a good place to be ...
with all the contests listed and no need to search ..
glad u made this blog ...

enter me...and thanks

Andrea said...

Awesome! Please count me in!! :)

Erin said...

What a great site you have here! I love the idea of one stop shopping and you've done all the grunt work :) I added you to my reader so I can come back and check out all your links.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kristin said...

While I would love to win something authentically Indian I will still place my name for the gift card. :) Good thing I love Amazon too!!

PastormacsAnn said...

Please count me in!

just_being_mommy said...

Count me in!!

Treasuresofjoy said...

Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

This would be great!

Anonymous said...

Amazon rocks

Anonymous said...

My Amazon wish list has been growing- I need this!
Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.

margomouse said...

what a great site- i'll be back for sure. 2 autistic sons + one husband unemployed due to depression/anxiety/delusion/halluciantions = one woman who does alot of shopping for books to help me get through this life I've been chosen to lead.
thanks for the generosity.

Anonymous said...

Great give-away! Enter me please!


Lisa said...

I hope I'm not too late! Thanks for participating.

Anonymous said...

i didnt understand what u will get in picking me????

Anonymous said...

I think your site rocks. getting so much info on contest on one site is great. i would love to participate.
Ruchi ( India )

Anonymous said...


Abhishek said...

Idea of contest buzz is best so far... as far as i have gone thru' any other such programs like it.. so i wish All the Best !!!.. Rock On!!!