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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway : ContestBuzz is participating

Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway
I am
Rajiv Renganathan, the blogger behind ContestBuzz. I am happy to inform you that ContestBuzz is participating in a very interesting idea mooted by Shannon in her blog "Rocks In My Dryer". Shannon is calling it "Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway". Simply put, Shannon will list all bloggers who are givingaway next week. (ContestBuzz will be one of them.)

Come 23rd July (Monday), I will announce the giveaway from ContestBuzz and you can enter the draw. Over the coming weekend, I will decide the giveaway. You are welcome to post suggestions. :)

Come back next week to join the "giveaway carnival" with ContestBuzz, Shannon and other participant blogs.


P.S- It is an irony that I am running a "lucky draw" though ContestBuzz is only about "skill-based" contests! I just could not keep away from such a creative idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me set up my tent for getting that exclusive 'giveaway' mate.Is there anything that i cud do for u? ;)